What’s Tesla plan for its latest tent?

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In June, Tesla built a general assembly line for the Model 3 sedan under a huge outdoor tent near the Fremont paint shop. Photo credit: Bloomberg

SAN FRANCISCO – At Tesla Inc. everything revolves around tents.

The manufacturer of electric cars has filed an application with the city of Fremont, California, for the construction of a 4,000 square meter tent that protects vehicles on the way according to a permit application. The new structure will be built for the southern part of the outgoing logistic garden of Tesla.

In June, Tesla built a general assembly line for the Model 3 sedan under a huge outdoor tent near the Fremont paint shop. The movement was often ridiculed by car manufacturers, but played an important role in stimulating production from the end of the second quarter.

The tent can provoke criticism on the company by some of the short sellers that CEO Elon Musk has publicly expressed a desire to "burn". Bearish investors circulate photos of parking lots full of Tesla vehicles that are exposed and exposed to the elements as the car manufacturer has experienced what Musk has devised on Twitter to deliver logistics hell & # 39; to be.

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Tesla expects production and delivery figures for the third quarter at the beginning of the quarter.