Elon Musk says Tesla making its own car carriers

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Referring to an "extreme shortage" of car drivers, Tesla CEO Elon Musk told a customer that the company started building carriers at the weekend. Photo credit: Reuters

Tesla Inc. builds its own car carriers, since the electric car manufacturer has problems with the distribution of vehicles.

The company is in the process of upgrading its logistics system, but is running into an "extreme" shortage of car transporter, CEO Elon Musk tweeted on Monday in response to a customer who ordered a Model 3 in June but has not yet received the car.

"We started this weekend with building our own car carriers to reduce the load," says Musk.

This month Musk acknowledged that the company now had more logistical problems than delays in production. He is under severe pressure to prove that he can deliver consistent production numbers for the Model 3 sedan, which is crucial for Tesla's plan to become an automaker for mass markets.

Excuses, we are upgrading our logistics system, but we are running into an extreme shortage of car transporters. Started this weekend to build our own car carriers to ease the load.

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– Elon Musk (@ononmusk) 24 September 2018