Chinese company offers ‘M3 Big Mouth Front Bumper’ for E60 5 Series

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A Chinese company offers a body kit for the E60 BMW 5 Series (2004-2010) which is literally called the “M3 Big Mouth Front Bumper”. It is inspired by exactly what its name suggests and includes an M5 emblem. It is available on the general shopping website

Answer option 1

Different cultures share different aesthetic tastes. It’s why the Forbidden City looks different from Hampton Court, or people in Beijing dress differently from those in Bolivia. It’s part of the glorious diversity that makes humanity special. It is therefore not surprising that people may think that a car is beautiful in one market and nasty in another. In fact, it’s actually surprising that there are as many aesthetic similarities between markets as there is.

In other words, the Chinese might love the new M3’s “Big Mouth Front Bumper”. They may not be burdened with the aesthetic expectations that come with decades of classic BMW design, given that those classic BMW designs really weren’t available in China. Maybe the “M3 Big Mouth Front Bumper” was even designed with Chinese taste in mind?

As such, adding that “Big Mouth Front Bumper” to the E60 5 Series is actually an improvement. Come to think of it, the E60 was always weird. It was arguably a more radical design departure from its E39 predecessor than the current M4 of its predecessor.

Finally lighten up Francis, this is not for you and that’s okay.

Answer option 2

The majority of people, regardless of general cultural aesthetic tastes, find the “M3 Big Mouth Front Bumper” appalling and this company should be ashamed of making the E60 look even more ridiculous. In addition, demand that Taobao remove it immediately to spare humanity’s eyes from the thing.

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